The Foundation By-Laws: Article Two


From the Salolampi Foundation By-Laws as last amended in 2004

This corporation is organized for Charitable and Educational Purposes to develop and maintain an association of individuals and organizations interested in Salolampi, the Finnish Language village of Concordia Language Villages Program of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, herein after referred to as “Salolampi”; to develop and maintain a Salolampi villager scholarship program in coordination with other organizations and the Concordia Language Village Program; to encourage, receive and administer financial contributions, endowments, bequests, and other support from individuals and organizations for Salolampi villager scholarships, curriculum development and general support of the program and facilities of Salolampi; and for these purposes, to foster and encourage the coordination and cooperation of the individuals and organizations interested in the Salolampi programs. To this end, the corporation shall at all times be operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended. All funds, whether income or principal, and whether acquired by gift or contribution or otherwise, shall be devoted to said purposes.

Mission Statement

Adopted at the Annual Meeting January 26, 2007

The Salolampi Foundation is committed to sustaining the Finnish Language & Culture through Scholarships & Programs Support at the Salolampi Finnish Language Village.

Concordia Language Villages Mission

The mission of Concordia Language Villages is to inspire courageous global citizens.

A courageous global citizen lives responsibly by:

  • appreciating and seeking to understand diverse cultural perspectives;
  • communicating with confidence and cultural sensitivity in multiple languages;
  • respecting human dignity and cultivating compassion;
  • engaging critically and creatively with issues that transcend boundaries; and
  • advancing a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world for all.
Concordia Language Villages reflects the mission of Concordia College, which is to influence the affairs of the world by sending into society thoughtful and informed men and women dedicated to the Christian life. The college’s mission is inclusive in composition, global in scope and reconciling in intention.

Our program incorporates the college’s mission in ways appropriate to its purpose and constituency. The curriculum of Concordia Language Villages is based on the affirmation of diversity, unity, peace, stewardship and justice. These key values for responsible global citizenship are rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition of the college. The Concordia Language Villages program builds communities (called Villages) where these values are the norm for everyday life in a variety of cultural contexts. Ultimately, the program promotes individual responsibility for the care of the world and its people.

Concordia Language Villages intentionally reaches out to all people without restriction of creed, class or nationality. The leadership, counseling staff and young people enrolled in the programs reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the world. A global environment is created in each Village, challenging participants to regard differences as opportunities for enrichment, not reasons for alienation.

Because language education alone does not lead to the formation of world citizens, we teach language and culture in global contexts. Geography, history, political science and international relations are drawn on, creating learning situations that challenge participants to use language as a tool for understanding the complexities of the world around them.

Experience-based learning is emphasized in every aspect of the curriculum, modeling the college’s holistic approach to education. The educational objectives of Concordia Language Villages are reinforced through the living, learning, social and recreational dimensions of Village life.

Concordia Language Villages embodies the internal discipline implied in the college’s mission statement. Global citizenship requires both knowledge and skill. By emphasizing experiential and cooperative learning, Concordia Language Villages provides an ideal setting for villagers to internalize and act upon global issues. The village experience encourages villagers to insert these skills into the rest of their lives.

Concordia Language Villages reflects the college’s optimism about the human enterprise. It builds on the richness of the past and embodies a vision of a world of peace. It is a bold vision, one that sends young people into society in hope-filled response to the world and its people.